Staghorn Fern

Rather than growing in soil, these plants are Epiphytic and grow on other plants or trees in their natural environment. Like mushrooms, epiphytic plants have spores that they release into the air. These spores then find homes on other plants and trees and develop into new plants. Staghorn Fern, or Platycerium bifurcatum, can be placed in soil if it’s very well draining, but ultimately mounting a Staghorn Fern keeps it closest to its natural state, and also helps avoid overwatering. To water this member of the Polypodiaceae family, either mist the plant with water on top and underneath, or soak in a basin of water, or allow a shower head to run over the plant. The key is to make sure the roots are getting saturated. Water Staghorn Fernonce a week during the Summer, and every 3-4 weeks during Winter. Staghorn Fern does prefer humidity, so keep it in a bathroom that is well lit (it needs bright, indirect light), or use a humidifier to add moisture.

Staghorn Fern is pet friendly, and is said to help clean the air. It prefers temperatures between 50 and 100 degrees Fahrenheit. A stunning addition to any plant collection, Staghorn Fern is a beautiful plant that can be finicky. For that reason, we rate Staghorn Fern as an intermediate plant for Plant Parents.