Peace Lily Care Guide
Adrian Polidori

Peace Lily is one of the most prevalent houseplants on the market today and make a great centrepiece due to their pretty white blossoms.

Despite the beauty of peace lily, theyre relatively easy to care for. On top of brightening up the home and providing a fragrant scent, theyre also renowned for their air purifying properties.

To ensure you get the most out of your Lily, its important to follow a few handy tips

Peace Lily – Basic Care

When it comes to finding the perfect home for your new plant, its important to pick the area wisely. Their native environment consists of a moist, hot and shady climate. With this in mind, they mustnt be left to fend for themselves outdoors in cooler climates.

For best results, place the Peace Lily close to a window (yet not directly underneath it). Both West and North facing windows are great options, as these will allow the plant to take advantage of indirect sunlight.

Avoid too much sun and too much cool air both of these environmental factors can have a detrimental effect on your plant. If the leaves begin to turn an unattractive shade of brown and shrivel, this is when you know the plant is in the wrong place.

Make sure your Peace Lily has adequate water

Watering your lily flowers attentively is a must, especially through the warm summer months. The plant requires water when the potted soil it sits in becomes dry to the touch about once a week. For best results, add enough water to make the soil damp without becoming drenched.

If your Peace Lily has started to wilt, this is a sign it doesnt have enough water. Too much water on the other hand can cause the plant to develop a condition called root rot.

As well as watering the plant once a week, you can also mist the leaves several times a week using the likes of a spray bottle. This is a great way to replicate the rainforests humid air.

Keep your plant groomed

In order to keep your plant in tip-top condition, its important to trim any damaged, wilting or colour-tarnished leaves. You can do this using sanitised, sharp scissors.

Fertilise your plant with caution

Asides from regular watering and indirect sunlight, the Peace Lily will require little care. Although fertilisers are not usually needed, some will use these nutrient filled sprays in order to promote the growth of large, vibrant blooms. For best results, use a regular 20-20-20 houseplant fertiliser at a much lower strength than recommended the plant can be a very sensitive plant.

Knowing when to re-pot your Peace Lily

If your plant seems to be taking more water than usual or its leaves begin to turn a yellow shade, this is when you know its time to transfer your lily to a larger container. Traditionally, Peace Lilies should be re-potted every one to two years.

When the time comes to transfer your plant to a new home, choose a pot that allows the plant extra room to grow. This particular specie thrives in pots of all materials, including plastic, ceramic and clay. For best results choose a pot with one or more drainage holes in the base. Without drainage holes, your plant may become susceptible to foot rot.

If you follow all of the above tips, you can be sure that youll have a healthy plant for many years to come. If you have any other care tips that you successfully use to look after your peace lilies, wed love to hear them too.