Flowers According To Zodiac Sign – Sagittarius
Rahul Adnan

Sagittarius: November 22 – December 21

A free spirit that will only allow itself to be captured if it wants to be caught, those who share the Sagittarius star sign are independent, elegant and live for the moment.

They never dwell on the past and are always ready to embark on their next adventure. With this in mind, exotic flowers suit them best, such as jasmine, gladiolus, amaryllis, lilac and rare carnations. Choose shades including purples and dark blues to represent their strong personalities.

When it comes to plants, this star sign shares similar characteristics to the tree of travelers, the fig tree, the mulberry tree and the lemon tree.

Celebrities who belong to the Sagittarius star sign include Tina Turner, Camille Claudel, Edith Pilaf, Jane Birkin, Miley Cyrus, Brad Pitt, Katie Holmes, Taylor Swift, Woody Allen and Maria Callas.

Birth Flower: Carnation flowers – just as Sagittarians are versatile in nature, so are pretty pink and white floral arrangements, as they’ll happily blend in In certain cases, fallen seeds will produce additional plants without any aid.

When planting cuttings, use small flower pots brimming with sandy soil. For best results and to encourage root development, add a small amount of growing soil. Avoid watering excessively, but at the same time, ensure the plants don’t dry out completely.

Caring for Gypsophila through winter

It’s often a challenge to get many plants through the winter months, and Gypsophila is no different. This is mainly due to low temperatures and frost being in abundance. To protect your perennials, cover with a layer of mulch made up of dry leaves and brushwood. This will help the plants to sprout again the following year.

As long as you can provide suitable growing conditions for Gypsophila in your outdoor spaces, you should manage to grow this plant in abundance. We’d also love to hear your experiences of dealing with this particular perennial, as we can share those experiences with our readers.