How To Care For Poinsettias

It almost doesn’t feel like Christmas without one or two of these cheery, brilliantly colored plants in your home! First popularized as houseplants in the mid-twentieth century, poinsettias actually are a shrubby tree in their native Mexico. In the wild, they typically bloom in December, which made them a natural to become a Christmas plant. “With the right care, you will get to enjoy your plant in bloom for six weeks to two months,” says Chris Berg, director of marketing at Dümmen Orange, one of the largest poinsettia breeders in the world. “They’re also great as a long-lived cut flower, which will last in vases for a few weeks.” Nowadays, red still is the most popular color, but they also come in a myriad of types including some speckles or in fun shades of pink, green, oranges, yellows, and plum!

Here’s what else you should know to enjoy your poinsettia all season long.

Pick the right plant.

“Look for plants that have tightly-closed tiny yellow flowers in the middle,” says Berg. “They should be greenish. As they open they turn yellow, which indicates that the plant has been in bloom for a while and may not last as long in your home.” Avoid any that are shedding pollen, which means it’s past its prime.

Protect your plant on the trip home.

Cover your plant when bringing it home, especially if it’s below 40 degrees. Most nurseries will provide a plastic sleeve, but, if not, cover it with a bag. And don’t let it sit in the chilly car while you run errands!

Give your poinsettia a sunny window.

Poinsettias are tropical so they love light and will tolerate full sun. But they’ll put up with almost any kind of light, says Berg. You can put them wherever you like to enjoy a splash of color. In a very dark corner, however, they do tend to stretch and become leggy.

Keep your poinsettia watered.

Poinsettias prefer consistent, light moisture. Add a cup or so of water every two to three days, then feel the pot’s weight—which is a better indication of when to water the next time. Dump out any water that sits in the saucer or foil cover. “The biggest mistake people make is that they let them dry out for a day or so,” says Berg. “In that case, the plant will begin dropping leaves to try to save its root system.” If that happens, there’s no going back. Your plant isn’t going to recover this year, so compost it and buy a new one!

Are poinsettias toxic?

This myth has been around for a long time, and no one is quite sure how it started. If a stem is broken, poinsettias do emit a white, milky sap which can be irritating to mouths or skin if not washed off. And if your pet eats pieces of poinsettia, he or she will likely have GI upset and nothing worse (but always call your vet if you're worried!). Like any plant, it's still best to keep them out of the reach of curious pets and kids if there’s a risk they’ll take a nibble.

Should you save your poinsettia for next year?

In warm climates, you can plant them outdoors. But for most of the country, poinsettias are notoriously finicky about reblooming. If you want to try, keep it in your sunniest window, maintain moisture, and place it outdoors after all risk of frost is past. Then in fall, bring it indoors and give it 12 hours of absolute darkness (not even exposed to a night light!) each night. “You might get it to color, but it won’t be shaped nicely,” says Berg. In truth, they’re inexpensive, so save yourself the effort, compost it, and choose a new beauty next year.