Care Tips For Marigold Flowers
Rahul Adnan

Thankfully, these vibrant flowers are very low maintenance plants and also very easy to grow. Despite this, there are a few things you should know to help them bloom at their best—keeping your garden full of color! 

Marigold care tips:

·Deadheading improves the plant’s appearance and encourages further blooming.

·Marigolds like moderately fertile, well-drained soil, but they aren’t too picky. Be warned, clay soil will hinder their blooming slightly.

·These plants don’t really need fertilizer. In fact, it can even inhibit flower production. Though if the flowers are in a container, they may benefit from a diluted liquid fertilizer.

·Water your flowers at the base of the plant. The flower heads rot with too much moisture. Finally, allow the soil to completely dry between waterings. 

·To propagate, allow flowerheads to fully dry and fade on the plant. Remove petals and shake out seeds. 

·These plants aren’t too prone to diseases or pests, but they’ll get mold and root rot if they receive an abundance of moisture.

·These color flowers may deter deer, so they’re great to plant near others that attract deer.

·Once these flowers establish themselves, pinch the plant tops so they’re able to grow even fuller.

Marigolds are a popular garden flower because they are low maintenance and easy to grow. If you’re looking for even more easy-to-manage blooms, you’re in the right place. Learn more about perennials, medicinal plants, partial shade plants, and much more at Flower Glossary.