Flower Essences
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What are Flower Essences?

Flower essences, diluted extracts from a variety of flowers and plants, have been used to treat physical, emotional, and spiritual ailments in animals and people.

Flower essences fall into the same category as homeopathic and herbal remedies. Dr. Edward Bach, a famous English physician, first developed and experimented with flower essence remediation. He developed the Bach Flower Remedies in the latter stages of his life. He had an idea of treating people with simpler forms of treatment, rather than more intrusive and destructive methods of the early 20th century Dr. Bach originally believed that disruptions in the body came as a result of chemical imbalances and negativity at the soul level. Bach Flower Essences aimed to heal the body of these disturbances by re-balancing the mind, body, and soul. Dr. Bach created 38 flower essences that would allegedly correct these imbalances.

Who was Dr. Edward Bach?

Dr. Bach`s original theories were based on “contradictions between the purposes of the soul and the personality`s point of view.” The human emotional experience swings the body into a negative mindset, which then blocks the energy flow throughout the body. This energy blockage causes a disruption in the harmony of the overall body, thus resulting in physical diseases.

Dr. Bach ignored his scientific method while conducting his research, deriving his ideas based on his personal psychic connections with the plants around him. He would place his hand over a particular plant and simply request for the alleviation of his symptoms. If he felt relief or a perceivable “cure,” then Bach would record the plant`s ability to re-balance these energy blockages.

How Can I Use Flower Essences?

Flower essences can be administered orally using four drops, four times a day.

Additionally, flower essences do not need to be ingested for their benefits. In fact, simply adding the flower essences to a spray bottle, and then misting the room or bodies should have the same effect as oral ingestion. Prisons have used flower essences to help calm down aggressive inmates.

Some regular users of flower essences choose to apply a few drops to a bath, spray their clothes before and after ironing them and adding the flower essences to sheets before sleeping at night. The potency of flower essences lies in their ability to change the surrounding environment through vibration alone, thus altering common human pitfalls, such as anger, jealousy, anxiety, insomnia, stress, depression, and lack of motivation.

Each flower essence has its own unique “curative” properties with its purpose of finding a resolution to these issues. While the scientific community has not found evidence to support the effects of flower essences outside of placebo, a huge following continues to vouch for their effectiveness.

·Beech: Beech aides in coping with humiliating past experiences that cause an individual to become critical of others. Beech limits intolerance.

·Chicory: Chicory enables an individual to love others freely without the element of self-centeredness. Chicory provides an individual with the ability to conceal their emotions.

·Elm: Elm equips those who have started to doubt their own abilities. Elm enables an individual to cope with stress.

·Gentian: Gentian helps restore a positive outlook for those who have encountered setbacks, and feel that an ominous presence keeps them from moving forward.

·Holly: Holly aides those struggling with jealousy and anger issues. Holly helps those who have been abandoned and abused.

·Honey Suckle: Honeysuckle helps those who need to resolve past issues.

·Impatiens: As the herbal name implies, impatiens aides those individuals who suffer from a lack of patience.

·Mimulus: Mimulus helps individuals cope and overcome their tangible fears.

·Oak: Oak helps individuals manage their workload and resting time in order to avoid exhaustion.

·Pine: Pine helps individuals cope with guilt.

·Red Chestnut: aides with individuals who worry about the concerns of others.

·Star of Bethlehem: Star of Bethlehem enables people to overcome the shock and awe of any event.

·Sweet Chestnut: Sweet Chestnut equips individuals to overcome extreme mental anguish when it appears that no light exists at the end of the proverbial tunnel.

·Trumpet Vine: Trumpet vine helps create confidence and dominance in social situations.

·Walnut: Walnut provides protection from unwanted change and influences.

·Wild Oat: Wild Oat helps individuals redirect their life focus.

·Wild Rose: Wild Rose restores individuals with motivation to overcome drifting, apathy, and resignation from life`s struggles.

·Willow: Willow helps individuals overcome self-pity and resentment.

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