Garden Helpers – Best Plants For Pollination
Lorenzo Meza

Even our gardens need a little help from Mother Nature every now and again, so read on to learn more about the best plants for pollination

Aster x frikartii

In early summer to autumn, butterflies often sunbathe as they feed on these perennial daisy-like blooms. Laden with pollen and nectar, they are tremendously popular with a wide range of different insects.

Butterfly bush (Buddleja davidii)

Boasting a series of slender cones, each sprouting an abundance of flowers in both the spring and summer time, the Butterfly Bush is not only a great plant to have in the garden, its an extremely attractive one.


These miniscule flowers, which appear huddled together in tight clusters, can be grown all year round in mild climates.

Bee balm (Monarda)

Bee Balm, also known as Monarda, is another extremely attractive bloom and one that boasts masses of lengthy, tubed flowers, known to attract hummingbirds in the summer months.


Asides from being a popular ingredient in some herbal teas, Fennel is also a great garden helper and one that encourages pollination. Brandishing a series of umbrella-like, hot-hued yellow florets, they are said to attract bees all year round.


This bright and bold sunflower is renowned for its height and confident bloom; theyre also magnets for honeybees. If you wish to encourage pollination, opt for the pollen-bearing varieties and place them in direct sunlight.

Sweet alyssum

These sweet scented blooms boast a honey fragrance and as such, are a beacon for bees.


Asides from making a great addition to an otherwise subtle bouquet, this particular flower is also enjoyed by hummingbirds.

Butterfly weed (Asclepias tuberosa)

The Butterfly Weed, despite what its name may suggest, is a beautiful addition to any garden. Evergreen or deciduous, it boasts a number of slender cones, all brimming with flowers, which occur in both the spring and summer.

Lions tail (Leonotis leonurus)

These tubular shaped flowers come dressed in fur coats and bloom in both the spring and summer months.


From blue to deep purple, to pink and red, this particular bloom is available in an array of hot-hued colours; its also an asset to gardens wishing to boost pollination.


A favourite amongst many, Salvia (sometimes nicknames pineapple sage) boasts an abundance of beautiful red blooms in early spring and summer.


This prevalent spice, used in many dishes, is not only popular with culinary connoisseurs; bees and hummingbirds are big fans too. To encourage pollination, its important to let the plants flower in sun or partial shade.

Red Hot Poker (Kniphofia)

Aptly named, the Red Hot Pokers flowering stems look a little like vividly glowing torches when in full bloom. They prefer sun or slight shade.

Borage (Borago officinalis)

The star-shaped flowers of the Borage plant flourish in the summer months and make a great addition to a more tropical-inspired garden.


Although this particular specie of plant is celebrated for its calming properties, it does anything but help the garden to sleep. Instead, its fragrant purple flowers incite pollination almost all year round.

Gloriosa daisy

These picture-perfect flowers come in shades of bronze, yellow and rich red; complete with knobby brown centers, which make them extremely interesting to look at. Although a short-lived perennial, they are great gardeners companions.


Yarrow comes in a variety of colours, including salmon, yellow, lavender, white and red, which makes them popular plants for those who wish to attract butterflies to their gardens. Its also a versatile, yet hardy plant, complete with fern-like leaves and colourful petals.


Delicate and daisy-like in style, the blossoms of Echinacea (the coneflower plant) boasts a variety of pastel and hot hued shades, including oranges, pinks, yellows, and white. They all feature domed centers, which makes them a perfect landing station for both insects and wildlife. This particular specie is also one of the main ingredients in Echinacea a drug used to boost the immune system.

Blanket flower

The Blanket Flower blooms in wine red, canary yellow, and rich bronze and makes the perfect garden helper when trying to inspire pollination. These daisy-like flowers bloom from early summer onwards and are popular with those wishing to incite hoards of butterflies to their gardens.

Pincushion flower (Scabiosa)

Appropriately named, these pretty blue, pink and white annuals and perennials look a little like pincushions embellished with an array of needles. If youre looking for a new, easy-to-care-foraddition to the flower garden, this is it. Theyre suited to both bed and border plantings and attract butterflies when in bloom.