Watering Your Houseplant

*Note - This page on watering your houseplants may seem to go on forever but watering, and the importance of good lighting, are the most important things you need to learn about houseplant care. Do you want really good looking healthy houseplants? Take the time and read to the bottom. I will try not to be too boring or redundant!

Watering Your Houseplants | Houseplant Flower Care

Watering your houseplants properly can be tricky. Improper watering is the main cause of death with indoor plants. Usually this would be from over-watering. However, if you are not caring for your houseplants on a regular schedule, under-watering can also be a problem.

Plant care advice that gives you watering intervals, amount of water, for specific house houseplants are really not providing you with helpful or useful information. Every house plant is different and you are the only one that can determine when and how much to water your house plants.

Caring for indoor plants every day as a "Plant Lady", I know that the only way to determine if a plant needs water is to check the moisture level in the soil at regular, scheduled intervals.

Every indoor plant is different and only you can tell if your plant needs to be watered. I know that you love your houseplants but too much love (i.e. water) can kill them! That being said, please read on, Plant Lover. It looks like a lot to take in, but it is information you need to know for the sake of your houseplants!