Honeysuckle Flower Meaning And Symbolism

The honeysuckle is a flower that is inspiring to many with its sweet fragrance, gorgeous appearance, and overall hardiness. Prized in both French and Chinese cultures, this bloom is known for its many different meanings – are you familiar with them all?

If not, consider these many different meanings of the honeysuckle flower.

What Does Honeysuckle Mean?
The scientific name for the honeysuckle, Lonicera japonica, is derived from the name of the Renaissance botanist, Adam Lonicer. Plain and simple, the name is a tribute to this man.

However, the common name for the plant likely gets its origin from the way that hummingbirds and other pollinators “suckle” at the sweet blossoms of the plant, hoping to extract some nectar.

What Do Honeysuckle Flowers Symbolize?

Although the honeysuckle flower has had many different meanings throughout history, today, it is predominantly viewed as a symbol of happiness. Because the honeysuckle vine is notoriously hardy and challenging to kill once established, it can often be used to symbolize devotion and everlasting bonds, too.

This flower has a straightforward meaning that is tied directly to its sweet aroma. Hummingbirds love the bloom, which is likely why it is so closely related to meanings of happiness and affection.

Interestingly, though, the flower can also symbolize affection – particularly in the form of a lover’s embrace. This is probably due to the way the honeysuckle vine clings to features in its environment like posts and walls.

Honeysuckle flowers can be found in shades of white, pink, yellow, and red, but the symbolism doesn’t change much regardless of the bloom’s colors.

What is the Cultural Significance of a Honeysuckle?

Honeysuckle flowers were first recognized by the Druids, with the Ogham, an ancient Celtic alphabet, carved into stones. The character for the honeysuckle stood for following one’s path and sticking to your guns, so to speak. It also represented attracting sweetness in all aspects of life.

The Chinese, on the other hand, relied on the honeysuckle, or Jin Yin Hua, as a cure for many different ailments. Honeysuckle is a cooling herb that can remove toxins and give you positive feelings of nostalgia and comfort.

In French culture, the honeysuckle flower stood for things like fidelity, love, devotion, and spiritual vision. It was included as a major symbol in the French book “Le Langage des Fleurs,” written by Louise Cortambert who wrote as Madame Charlotte de la Tour.

Honeysuckle flowers are often used as remedies for coughs and colds. In fact, many of today’s herbal cough medications have bits and pieces of honeysuckle flowers mixed in. The flowers can also be used to treat staph infections and other bacterial problems as they are natural antibiotics.

What is the Symbolism of a Honeysuckle Tattoo?
With more than 180 different species of honeysuckle plants, there are just as many potential interpretations for these flowers when used as tattoos, too. Honeysuckle tattoos are usually chosen to symbolize undying love and passion.

When Should You Give Someone a Honeysuckle?
Honeysuckle is an appropriate flower to give to anybody on practically any occasion that comes to mind. It is the birth flower for the month of June, so it’s a good choice for people celebrating birthdays in this month, too.

Many believe that the honeysuckle vine can bring good luck and good fortune to your home – and that it can protect you from evil, too.

Therefore, you may wish to give this plant to others as a promise of good fortune, true love, and other positive tidings.