Summer Blooming Flowers
Aosama Alsodani

What would summer be without flowers? The warm months of summer are when many of the varieties we know and love bloom, making every day a better day. In fact, planting even a few flowers has helpful benefits for you and your community. Adding flowers to your garden will actively supporting critical wildlife like pollinators by providing nectar sources and habitat. Plus they offer hidden health benefits. It has long been found that simply looking at flowers improves mood, reduces stress, and boosts concentration. If you’re growing flowers for the first time or adding them to an existing garden, here are a few tried and true varieties to consider.



Echinacea is a fabulous, short lived perennial that will sometimes volunteer (self-sow) or can be reseeded from one season to the next. These flowers hold their own in perennial borders, meadow gardens, and herb gardens. Grow it as a cut flower or to attract wildlife. Echinacea can also grow into winter when the spent blooms are just as beautiful. Its daisy shaped, long-lasting blooms make it appealing to butterflies, birds, and bees. Give it good soil and consistent watering with a bubbler, soaker hose, or Thumb Control Watering Nozzle. Water two or three times a week, making sure the first four inches of the soil stay moist but not saturated.