Gardening Q&A With Martha
Rahul Adnan

Martha recently received two interesting questions about gardening from viewers, and she answered them on "The Martha Stewart Show."

Garden Fertilizer

Q: I've heard you're supposed to fertilize your vegetable garden. Do you fertilize yours? If so, can you tell me what you use and how often?

A: Martha's vegetables are heavy feeders, so she gives them additional nutrients in several ways. Throughout the growing season, she adds compost and mulch to her soil.

For fertilizer, she uses Miracle-Gro Organic Choice plant food. She recommends sprinkling it on every one to two months.

Another handy tool is the Miracle-Gro LiquaFeed feeding system, which attaches right to your hose. The system makes it simple to feed and water your garden simultaneously.

Raised Garden

Q: I've had a vegetable garden for many years, but as I get older, I'm finding it more difficult to bend over to plant, weed, and pick. My sons want to build a raised garden for me. Do you have any suggestions for how to make one?

A: Martha has the perfect solution: a salad table. It's tall, so you can grow salad greens without bending over, and it features a mesh bottom that's perfect for soil. Gardening expert Jon Traunfeld shared easy salad table instructions with Martha last year. Get the How-To